Italian Influence

A reminder about our new exhibition titled (Deepening the Mystery) which is taken from a quotation. Francis Bacon, “The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.” The exhibition will be held at the Apex in Bury St. Edmunds from 08/05/18- 03/06/18

iDSC00183A  recent trip to Puglia in Italy with lovely weather, food, wine and scenery, could be the beginning of a set of textile pieces based on the architecture, flora and fauna. So many different ideas swimming around in my head and so a pad and pencil beside my bed, making sure any sudden thoughts don’t disappear by the morning.

The old towns built of sassi, (houses dug into the calcarenitic rock,) DSC00193-001or Truli, (dry stone huts each with a conical roof,)  whether restored or crumbling, were reflecting the beautiful, clear sunlight and just waiting to be explored. dsc00194.jpg

Many wildflowers, including mauve and yellow croci and pink cyclamen were everywhere, peeping out of crevices in the rough paths. Butterflies, including the rare swallow tail butterfly, flitting around, lizards with their iredescent  colours sunning themselves on the ruins. Red kites soaring above the gorges and olive and almond trees everywhere. All  a feast for the eyes and inspiration for the artist.DSC00220

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